Blockchain Smart Contracts: Implementation & Best Practices

Blockchain Smart Contracts: Implementation & Best Practices

Imagine a world where contracts are executed automatically, without the need for lawyers, judges, or any other intermediaries. A world where agreements are transparent and tamper-proof, and where everyone involved can be confident that the terms of the contract will be upheld.

This is the world of smart contracts.

Smart contracts are like regular contracts, but they're stored on a blockchain and executed automatically. This means that once a smart contract is created, it can't be changed or altered without the consent of everyone involved. This technology has the potential to revolutionize many industries, including finance, supply chain management, and real estate. They can help to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and reduce fraud.

In this article, we'll discuss what smart contracts are, what are the types of smart contracts, how they work, and their potential to transform the way we do business. We'll also highlight the benefits of using smart contracts and provide examples of real-world use cases.

What are smart contracts and how do they work

Smart contracts have brought significant changes in the way transactions and agreements are executed. In simple terms, a smart contract is a self-executing, code-based contract with the terms of the agreement directly written into lines of code. Blockchain smart contracts are particularly prominent, as they harness the capabilities of blockchain technology to ensure transparency, security, and decentralization.

At the core of smart contracts is the idea of automation. Traditional contracts often require intermediaries to enforce the terms and conditions. However, smart contracts in blockchain are designed to eliminate the need for intermediaries, such as lawyers or banks, by automatically executing, enforcing, or verifying the terms of an agreement when predefined conditions are met.

Blockchain plays a key role in enabling the functionality of smart contracts. The decentralized nature of blockchain ensures that once a smart contract is deployed, it is recorded and immutable on the blockchain. This means that the terms of the contract cannot be altered or tampered with, adding an extra layer of trust and security to the agreement. In turn, smart contracts make blockchain technology more practical by expanding its use cases beyond cryptocurrencies.

The relationship between blockchain smart contracts and blockchain technology is symbiotic. Smart contracts leverage the security and transparency of blockchain, while blockchain platforms benefit from the automation and efficiency smart contracts offer. This synergy has made smart contracts a driving force in adopting blockchain technology across various industries.

Types of smart contracts on blockchain

Smart contracts are incredibly versatile, and they come in various forms to cater to a wide range of smart contracts use cases and industries. Here, we'll delve into the most common types of smart contracts and their unique characteristics.

Smart legal contracts

Smart legal contracts are a blockchain-based evolution of traditional legal agreements. They encode legal terms and conditions into self-executing code, allowing for automatic enforcement and verification of legal agreements.

This type of smart contract is especially relevant in legal and real estate industries, where trust and compliance are paramount. For example, a real estate transaction can be facilitated using a smart legal contract, ensuring that the property title is automatically transferred once payment is received.

Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO)

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, commonly referred to as DAOs, are a unique type of smart contract that goes beyond traditional contracts. DAOs are essentially automated organizations run by code and governed by token holders. They allow for collective decision-making and fund management without a central authority.

An example of a DAO is a community-driven investment fund where participants vote on investment decisions, and the smart contract autonomously executes those decisions.

Application logic contracts (ALC)

Application Logic Contracts are smart contracts designed to execute specific functions or processes within decentralized applications (DApps). These contracts manage the core logic and operations of DApps, ensuring they run smoothly and autonomously.

For example, in a decentralized gambling application, an ALC can manage bets, payouts, and random number generation, all without human intervention.

Supply chain contracts

Supply Chain Contracts are utilized to track and verify the movement of goods across a supply chain. They automate product tracking, quality control, and payment processes as goods move from the manufacturer to the consumer.

Companies can use supply chain contracts to ensure the authenticity of products, prevent counterfeiting, and streamline logistics.

Tokenization contracts

Tokenization contracts are integral to the creation and management of digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies, security tokens, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These contracts define the rules and properties of tokens, enabling their creation, transfer, and management within the blockchain ecosystem.

For instance, NFT creators use tokenization contracts to define the unique properties and ownership rules of digital collectibles.

These are just a few smart contract examples and the various types that have emerged in the blockchain space. The flexibility and adaptability of smart contracts make them an invaluable tool in multiple industries, revolutionizing the way agreements and processes are handled.

Benefits of using smart contracts

The adoption of smart contracts in the blockchain ecosystem brings a lot of advantages. Here, we'll explore some of the key benefits of using smart contracts, along with concrete examples of smart contracts to illustrate their real-world applications.

These smart contract examples provide a glimpse into their incredible benefits. With their versatility spanning various sectors, they enhance efficiency, boost security, and foster trust while saving you money and eliminating the middleman.

3 examples of blockchain smart contracts

In this section, we'll delve into three real-world examples of smart contract and blockchain that demonstrate their practical applications and the transformative impact they have on different industries.

Supply chain

  1. Real-time visibility: Blockchain illuminates supply chains, giving everyone the ability to track goods and services in real-time, keeping fraud and counterfeiting in check.
  2. Product journey tracking: With blockchain, you can follow a product's journey from start to finish. It monitors how things are transported, stored, and manufactured.
  3. Effortless inventory management: Thanks to real-time tracking, managing inventory becomes hassle-free. No more worries about running out of stock or overstocking – blockchain keeps the supply chain running smoothly.
  4. Speedy payments: Blockchain accelerates payment processing in the supply chain, reducing wait times and ensuring smooth cash flows for all involved.
  5. Protection against fraud: Blockchain deploys highly secure technology to shield the supply chain from fraud and counterfeiting, ensuring its safety and integrity.

Example: Walmart

Walmart is a prominent American multinational retail corporation that has embarked on a transformative journey with IBM to enhance the transparency and traceability of its food supply chain. This collaboration with IBM led to the development of a traceability system based on Hyperledger Fabric, enabling Walmart to trace mangoes in its US stores in a mere 2.2 seconds.

This groundbreaking innovation facilitates rapid identification of the source of contamination, thereby significantly improving food safety and quality. Suppliers partnering with Walmart can now meticulously record every step along the supply chain for mangoes, spanning from farm practices to transportation, creating a new standard in the industry.

Karl Bedwell, Senior Director at Walmart Technology (source ):

"Creating a (traceability) system for the entire food supply ecosystem has been a challenge for years, and no one has figured it out. We thought blockchain technology might be a good fit for this problem because of its focus on trust, immutability, and transparency."


  1. Medical record management: Blockchain healthcare solutions enable secure medical record management. It enhances the patient’s ability to control access to their medical records.
  2. Clinical trials: Blockchain offers a transparent and immutable trial data record that makes it easier for researchers and regulators to access and verify the data and improve the clinical trials’ integrity.
  3. Telemedicine and remote healthcare: Blockchain's ability to store and share telemedicine data, including video consultants and electronic prescriptions in a safe manner, also makes it a reliable technology.
  4. Streamlined health insurance and claims processing: Smart contracts enable automated claims processing that leads to faster and more accurate settlements for both patients and healthcare providers.
  5. Drug traceability: The usage of Blockchain technology in healthcare allows healthcare organizations to track drug development, quickly identify the source of counterfeit drugs and manage recalls efficiently.

Example: MedRec

Developed collaboratively by researchers from MIT's Media Lab and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, MedRec is a revolutionary blockchain-based system designed to securely manage and share Electronic Health Records (EHRs) (source ). The genesis of MedRec was a response to the limitations and challenges of conventional electronic healthcare record systems.

MedRec plays an important role in one of the most prominent blockchain use cases within the healthcare sector: patient data management. This innovative blockchain-driven solution consolidates patients' vital information into a single, secure repository, offering a transparent and easily accessible view of their complete medical history.

Media and entertainment

  1. Intellectual property safeguard: Enterprise blockchain development stands as a formidable ally in safeguarding intellectual property rights. It ensures that content creators receive their rightful compensation and due recognition for their creative works. Smart contracts automate royalty payments and licensing agreements, streamlining the process.
  2. Transparent revenue sharing: Blockchain-based platforms introduce transparency and auditability to revenue-sharing models, ensuring equitable compensation for all involved in content production and distribution.
  3. Elevated fan engagement: Blockchain technology paves the way for a new era of fan engagement. It ushers in tokenized fan memberships, exclusive content access, and voting systems for content creation decisions, fostering a deeper bond between creators and their fans.
  4. Cracking down on piracy: Enterprise blockchain solutions, crafted by seasoned experts, empower content providers to track the origin and ownership of digital content. This robust tracking capability acts as a potent weapon against piracy and unauthorized distribution.
  5. Digital identity for artists: Blockchain-based digital identity solutions offer artists a secure means to establish and protect their online presence. This ensures authenticity and engenders trust in their interactions with fans and industry stakeholders alike.

Example: Audius

Audius stands as a pioneering decentralized music streaming platform with a mission to cultivate a fair and balanced ecosystem for both artists and music enthusiasts. Leveraging the power of blockchain technology, Audius upends the traditional music distribution landscape by removing intermediaries.

This shift grants artists unprecedented control over their music distribution and monetization while enabling fans to directly support their favorite artists through cryptocurrency payments.

These enterprise blockchain solutions boast a rich tapestry of features designed to cater to the diverse needs of musicians across the globe, enhancing the music experience and ushering in a new era of creative freedom and fan engagement.

Roneil Rumburg, CEO at Audius (source ):

"None of this existed more than four or five years ago. So it's not like anyone's an expert, right? There are no gatekeepers of information, of access, of anything. We're all kind of coming in on a level playing field."

Best practices for smart contract development

At Binariks, we specialize in harnessing the potential of blockchain technology to enhance transparency, reduce fraud, and streamline operations through secure, decentralized ledgers.

Our comprehensive services encompass the design of decentralized applications (dApps), the creation of automated smart contracts, the development of platforms for asset tokenization, the implementation of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), strategic blockchain consulting, and more.

Here is one of our cases as an example. Our Japanese client, an educational software provider, envisioned a blockchain-based solution to validate educational badges, bolstering academic records' credibility. The client sought a partner with blockchain expertise and software development experience, and Binariks provided a dedicated team, created an MVP, and continues to optimize the product.

Final thoughts

Blockchain smart contracts, driven by the security and transparency of blockchain technology , are catalysts for innovation and efficiency. Whether revolutionizing supply chains, healthcare, or entertainment, these self-executing agreements are steering us toward a secure, streamlined future. Embracing best practices for smart contract development is vital for their success.

Binariks offers expertise to help organizations unlock the potential of blockchain. Blockchain smart contracts represent a fundamental shift in how we conduct business and interact with technology, shaping a world where efficiency, security, and transparency drive progress in every endeavor.


What is a smart contract in blockchain?

A blockchain smart contract is an automated, self-enforcing digital agreement that ensures secure, transparent, and trust-based transactions.

What is the role of smart contracts in blockchain?

Smart contracts automate and secure agreements, removing intermediaries, enhancing transparency, and reducing fraud in various applications.

What is the most used blockchain for smart contracts?

Ethereum is a widely used platform for smart contracts, with robust support for decentralized applications. Other platforms like Binance Smart Chain and Polkadot are also gaining traction.

What is the future of blockchain smart contracts?

Blockchain smart contracts will continue to drive efficiency, security, and transparency across industries like supply chain, healthcare, and finance. Their role in shaping digital transactions will grow as blockchain technology evolves.