How to Build a Sudoku Game in Python

If you’ve ever killed time in a coffee shop or needed a break during a long day, you’ve probably come across Sudoku. It’s that puzzle where you have a 9×9 grid that you need to fill up with numbers from 1 to 9. The twist? No number can repeat in any row, any column, or within any of the nine 3×3 squares that make up the grid. It’s these simple yet strict rules that make Sudoku both addictive and a fantastic brain teaser.

Today, you’re going to learn how to create your own Sudoku game with Python. We’ll show you how to whip up random puzzles that stick to the classic rules of Sudoku. By the end of this guide, you’ll have everything you need to challenge both newbies and pros alike. So, let’s get started and have some fun programming this beloved puzzle game!

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