Free shot list template: Download Google Sheets, Excel, Word, and PDF templates


So, you’ve finished your future award-winning script and want to move onto the next step of pre-production. But, where do you start? By visualizing your masterpiece!

A combination of your script, storyboarding, and shot lists will propel your vision forward into the production phase of filming. This article provides a solid shot list base — as well as downloadable shot list templates in Excel, PDF, and even Google Sheets — to get you started.

What’s a shot list?

A shot list is a guide that lists (and describes) all of the shots that need to be filmed during production. There’s no one way to go about it and different productions will require different shot lists with varying degrees of intricacy.

Essentially, your shot list is a checklist filled with all the minute details that’ll give your film a sense of direction and efficiency. Leave no stone unturned.

Download shot list templates

Google Sheets shot list template

Complete with dropdown lists and auto-populating magic, we recommend using the Google Sheets shot list template as it’s the most robust and useful of the three versions. Go to File > Make A Copy to generate a version you can work off of.

Microsoft Excel shot list template

Simple, minimal and right to the point. The Excel shot list template is great for organizing your thoughts on a busy, multiple-location day. It’s not formatted for print compatibility so it’s best to use this on your phone, tablet, or laptop computer.

Microsoft Word shot list template

The Microsoft Word shot list template doesn't have dropdown menus or auto-calculating numbers. That means all criteria needs to be typed in manually. Formatting may differ across platforms and Word versions.

PDF shot list template

Here’s a PDF shot list that you can print and write on. (Don’t worry — we miss analog sometimes too, especially in this Zoom-fatigued world of ours.)

Google Sheets shot list template

Use storyboarding with shot lists

OK, we know you’re excited about the shot list templates. But, before you get going, it may be a good idea to draw up a storyboard. Storyboarding is a great way to visualize the major shots that move your story ahead. Use your storyboard as a springboard, and build your shot list around those anchor points. We get it, you’re no Walt Disney, but he’s not around anymore so surely you’re better than him at drawing now.

How to make a shot list

At Vimeo, we create a shot list for each shooting day, but you can also work off of one big list. Decide how you want to organize and go from there.

There are two parts to this process.

  1. The first part is picking and designing your shots with your director of photography.
  2. The second part is organizing (and scheduling) those shoots. The templates above allow you to accomplish both.

Pro tip: Keep in mind that typically you shoot out of order. Your shot list needs to be grouped by factors like location, lighting, or whether you’re indoor or outdoor.

Let’s say your actors are at a coffee shop in the beginning of your film, then they end up at a hospital, and at the end of the film they’re back in the coffee shop again (personally, I wouldn’t go back to a coffee shop that landed me in a hospital, but alas). You’ll want to shoot both coffee shop scenes at the same time. Keep those repeat locations in mind when you’re grouping your shots!

Essential video shot list terms from A-Z

Even if you decide you’re going to make your own shot list and not use our shot list template (no hard feelings), this glossary offers up 13 essentials to include in any shot list for any type of project.

One last thing

Your shot list needs to work for you. Meaning, there’s no right or wrong way to create the perfect shot list. Include whatever information you feel is beneficial to your project, and feel free to remove or add criteria as you see fit.

Shot list FAQs

Putting everything together

Your shot list is (inevitably) a living, breathing document — meaning you need to be comfortable with things going oh-so-wrong. You might go entirely out of order on shoot day. You might run into unforeseen snags with crew or Mother Nature. Either way, you’re not married to your shot list.

Use your shot list as a guide, but don’t be afraid to see what happens.