How to Make Your Rental Property Qualify for the QBI Deduction

Can you deduct 20% of your net rental income from your income taxes? If your real estate investment brings in qualified business income (QBI), then you probably can!

In today’s post, I’ll explain how to make your rental property qualify for QBI.

What is QBI?

Before you can understand how to make your rental property qualify for QBI, you first need to understand what that is. Qualified business income is the net taxable income from a qualified trade or business.

QBI can include income from partnerships, S-corporations, sole proprietorships, limited liability companies (LLCs), and certain trusts but not income from C corporations or wages from an employer. Other types of income like income from interest, shareholder wages, or capital gains and losses do not count as QBI.

How does making my rental property qualify for QBI save me tax money?

Since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that was passed in 2017, business owners have been allowed a QBI deduction on their income taxes. This is sometimes also called a Section 199A deduction. The QBI deduction allows you to deduct up to 20% of QBI plus 20% of qualified real estate investment trust (REIT) dividends and qualified publicly traded partnership (PTP) income with some limitations.

You can qualify for this deduction no matter if you itemize or take the standard deduction. Your deduction may be limited depending on your income, which I’ll discuss later in this post. Your deduction is also limited to the lesser of these amounts:

Let me give you an example of what the QBI deduction for real estate income looks like for one of my clients. Lucy, a wedding photographer, is a single filer and her total taxable income in 2022 was $150,000. Of that $150,000, her QBI from a rental property she owns was $75,000. Since Lucy qualifies to take the full 20% QBI deduction, we’ll multiply $75,000 x 20% to get a $15,000 deduction. Lucy is in the 24% tax bracket, so this deduction will save her $3,600 on her tax bill.

Additionally, the IRS put out Notice 2019-07 in 2019 to clarify the rules and provide “safe harbor” for owners wanting to use the QBI deduction for rental property. I’ll save you from reading all of the IRS mumbo jumbo in that notice and just say that the word “passive” caused people a lot of problems, but those problems can be avoided if you follow the steps below.

How can I make my rental property qualify for the QBI deduction?

Step 1: Set up the right type of business entity.

The first step to making sure your rental property can qualify for the QBI deduction is to make sure you have set up a real estate company or enterprise using one of the qualified business entities. To qualify for QBI, the income has to come from a “pass-through” business entity that is not taxed as a C-corporation. Pass-through businesses include S-corporations, sole proprietorships, partnerships, and limited liability companies (LLCs).

Step 2: Make sure you’re not using the rental property in a way that excludes its rental income from QBI.

There are several types of property and ways you use the property that may exclude its income from QBI. The main problems are:

Step 3: Check off all of the items below to make sure the IRS will allow the QBI deduction for your real estate income under the safe harbor provision.