Important Information

Please keep in mind that, under the medical component of The Empire Plan, you are not guaranteed access to a participating provider in every specialty in every geographic area. Also, providers listed in the directory are not obligated to accept new patients. The Empire Plan does not require that a participating provider refer you to a participating specialist, laboratory, urgent care center or outpatient surgical locations. Ask for a participating provider. When you use a non-participating provider, covered benefits are payable under the Basic Medical portion of the Plan, but using a participating provider lowers your out-of-pocket expenses. Always ask your provider if he or she is a participating provider before you receive services.

For physical therapy and chiropractic services, managed care components of The Empire Plan, you are guaranteed access to a participating provider. Call 1-877-769-7447 if you need help locating a participating provider in those specialties.

How to search the directory

Upon clicking “Search for physicians, laboratories or other facilities” you may customize your search by selecting “Change address” and completing details about the location where you want to search. Once complete, you can enter the name of a provider, facility, specialty or condition and the site will accept any additional information you enter to create a customized search for you. You can easily modify your mile radius or select a specialty from the Physician Specialties, Facilities or Specialty Centers drop down lists. As you make modifications you can view more information about a provider, locate the office on a map, save the contact information or even send yourself a text message to recall the information at a later time. At any time you can initiate a new search by selecting “Start New Search” in the upper right corner of the screen.

Where to begin

For most health care, call your primary care physician first. You'll find primary care physicians listed in the directory under General Practice, Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and Gynecology/Obstetrics. Your primary care physician can help you find an appropriate specialist, if you need one. However, you do not need a referral to receive care from a medical specialist. If your doctor refers you to a specialist or sends samples to an independent laboratory, ask for an Empire Plan participating specialist or laboratory. Using a participating specialist or laboratory lowers your out-of-pocket costs.

If you need home care services, durable medical equipment or supplies [including diabetic or ostomy supplies]

If you need homecare services, such as skilled nursing, home infusion, durable medical equipment or supplies, including diabetic supplies or ostomy supplies, you must call HCAP, the Home Care Advocacy Program at 1-877-769-7447.

Remember your card

Take your New York Government Employee Benefit Card with you each time you go to your provider's office. Please remind your covered spouse/domestic partner and children to use their cards.


If you have questions about The Empire Plan's Participating Provider Program or Managed Physical Medicine Program, please call UnitedHealthcare at 1-877-769-7447.

Using participating providers saves you money

When you choose a participating provider, you pay only your copay for covered services and the provider files the claim. Using participating providers can greatly reduce your out-of-pocket expenses and help contain premium costs.


If you have questions about The Empire Plan's Participating Provider Program or Managed Physical Medicine Program, please call The Empire Plan at 1-877-769-7447 and choose UnitedHealthcare.